Dear Naomi Wolf
2010 December 20
tags: feminist fail, fuck you naomi wolf, getting away with rape, naomi wolf, privilege denying feminist, rape culture, RTFA
by Harriet J
With friends like you, who needs rape culture?
the survivors whose necks you’re standing on
This letter has been approved by the Society of RTFA, For Chrissake, it’s not hard
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The part of her horrifying segments that scared me the most was her privileging “easy” rape cases over those that aren’t cut and dried, strangers leaping out of the bushes and attacking unsuspecting women. Apparently that is “real rape” even though it is a basic fact that stranger rapes and excessively violent rapes are the minority of rapes, that most rape survivors know their rapists intimately and that survivors are so manipulated and abused by those rapists that they might not even think they’ve been raped.
I could go on but I won’t. Too bad #naomiwolfdoesntspeakforme is a little clunky for a hashtag.
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I’ve lost all respect for Naomi Wolf. The worst is when she says that any woman, to quote punchandgetout, manipulated and abused into not speaking up for herself is not behaving like “a moral adult”.
Fuck you, Naomi Wolf!
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This showed up in my feed and I was considering not even opening it, because I just ran out of the emotional energy to deal with any proper discussions about Naomi Wolf’s fail and the similar fails going on. This is a pretty good summing-up, I think.
I am glad to see that a lot of even mainstream people are rejecting the fail-filled analyses that are around and pointing out where the fail is (and saying “No, the fact that there are other political agendas involved does not excuse the misogyny that occurs in this discussion.”)
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You know, the ‘baggery is really starting to get to me. Thank the FSM that y’all are here to remind me that I haven’t lost all my marbles.
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