Blog Changes
Hello! Things are different now.
Here are some things to know:
1. Comments are no longer nested. It was getting obnoxious. Remember, in the future, when you respond to a comment, make it clear who you’re responding to by using an @. As in, “ j, fuck yeah!”
2. Rather than approving every single comment, anybody with a previously approved comment now goes through. This means that there will be less oversight overall, but I will be much more stingy with who I let through.
3. There is a new page called “Report.” Leave a comment there if something is going wrong with the blog, or there’s something happening that you think I ought to have noticed.
4. The Discussion board is not yet active. Working on it.
5. The Rape FAQ is just barely open for business.
6. My new email address is harrietj at fugitivus dot net.
I think that covers the basics. Let me know if things go horribly wrong.
Comments are closed.
Just testing comments. Ignore, ignore.
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Ooh. This is a nice shiny new site. Congratulations on getting it off the ground.
I look forward to continuing to read your stuff.
Much love and uber respect,
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Congratulations on your new domain. Looking forward to more material. (And I like that your picture of yourself is now less cropped. You are very pretty.)
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I like the new layout. It is full of snazz.
I feel like a giant asshole pointing this out (and yet, I do it anyway), but the text on your sidebar image is blurry, oddly contrasted and difficult to read. Perhaps I just need new glasses. Would it be too forward of me to suggest separating text from image? (It occurs to me, come to think, that it would probably be impossible for a screenreader to extract anything meaningful from the current configuration.)
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Congratulations with the new domain! It looks good. I’m looking forward to the discussion board.
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Any and all notes on how the layout is working are totally welcome. I wondered about that one myself — I’ll see if I can’t jimmy it better.
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: it’s my understanding that adding alt-text to the image is helpful for screenreaders, for what it’s worth. (Sorry for citing wikipedia – I could probably do better there…!)
Like the new site. And it’s a great photo of you in the side-bar.
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Congratulations on the new site!!!! I’m dreadfully sentimental about things and was worried that I was going to miss your old blog horribly, but this is really, really cool, and it looks fabulous, though I know that, being you, you’ll find a way to make it even prettier.
Good luck with it, as well.
*If I had a bottle of champagne, this is where I’d toast you and your new space. But being a broke student, I’m doing so with coffee instead*
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Layout comments?
That previous photo totally rocked, the new one has strange colours, looks 2-dimensional and don’t focus on the quite specific and interesting facial expression, and the text obfuscates it quite a loot… well, that or i just got used to previous one.
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The site looks great. I’ll update our blogroll to point to the new address and our google reader feed as well.
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Thanks, Ms. Harriet. The place looks great and I look forward to being less of a wuss and participating more.
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Cool site. And my workplace doesn’t block it! Yay!
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Love the new site, Harriet. Thanks for continuing it and putting so much effort into this!
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Look who got their own domain!
High five!
*Leans towards whispering bystander*
Oh, no one does that anymore?
Anyway, the layout’s great as far as I can see, and I agree that nested comments are annoying. Whatever that’s worth coming from a very recent discoverer of this blog.
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Yay! It’s up! Congratulations on the new site!
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Harriet, I have a quick question regarding the anonymity of people who comment here (my interest is piqued after reading the news piece about the Nebraska judge who was outed commenting on news stories covering a case she was presiding over; nonrelevant fact: my journalism prof is testifying as an expert witness for the newspaper the judge is suing for $50 million). I don’t have a blog, so I don’t know what the function is here for keeping required email addresses private. Are they aggregated for you on the site? If so, is there any extra precaution that could be taken to protect that from spammers/whatever? Thanks!
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: The email addresses you enter show up for me when I look at comments through the administration login. They don’t show on the regular site, and as far as I know, they don’t show anywhere else in administration. The email addresses don’t get checked for validity (and trolls come up with some creative ones, let me tell you). I might very rarely pull somebody’s email address, but that’s usually something very specific, like they have asked me to email them.
If you’re concerned about your email privacy, you’re welcome to drop a fake email address in there. Doesn’t bother me.
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Harriet, congrats on the stunning new site! I must say, I love love love the changing pictures at the top. I think the picture themselves are lovely, but I like that there is usually a different one every time I visit. A very neat trick, lady.
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Your shiny new site makes me happy. May it be a welcome home for you as long as you wish it.
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The new site looks gorgeous and I definitely find it easier to follow discussions when the comments are not threaded. Looking forward to more Harriet goodness!
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Hi Harriet! Since others have brought it up, I was wondering, too, about the text on the (awesome) image. I see the recommendation of alt-text up-thread for screen readers, which isn’t anything I can really help with, but I could easily tweak the image and add its text in a way that would be easier to read/a bit clearer, if you’d like.
P.S. I love your blog – I don’t comment enough to let you know that, Boourns me, but I lurk a lot. And then I tell people, ‘Have you read Fugitivus? You MUST read Fugitivus!’
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@DBN: Thanks for the offer. I’m still working on the image myself, but I’ll keep you in mind if it all goes south.
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I love the new look and the cool pictures…
One question: are you going to have your old entries accessible by date?
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: Ugh, they’re not? Okay, looking into it.
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A discussion board sounds very interesting! =-)
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Hi Harriet – Where’s “What Boys Can Do?” I’m paraphrasing since I know that’s not exact – but I loved the stories about decent guys. Helps me through!
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: Under Lists.
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Hi Harriet – Where’s “What Boys Can Do?” I’m paraphrasing since I know that’s not exact – but I loved the stories about decent guys. Helps me through!
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: It’s under Lists.
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