Battlefield 2: Bad Company 2
2010 April 24
Exchange between two male characters:
Character 1: (holding a doodad that is of critical importance to the plot) Doesn’t look like much.
Character 2: Well, remember. Troy fell because of a woman.
‘Cause women ain’t much.
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To be fair, one woman really ain’t much, same as one man really ain’t much. Each individual is roughly 1/6000000000th of the population after all.
…But somehow I don’t think that’s what he was going for.
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If he said ONE woman then it would come across as a case of the individual bringing down thousands… Because he said A woman the focus is almost indisputably on her gender.
Never mind that Troy wasn’t brought down by one woman, but by gods, demeaning promises and a distinctly stupid prince.
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That’s fuh-ucked up.
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I can’t even BELIEVE how offensive that is.
I promise I am not playing the Oppression Olympics, but if you substitute ANY racial expletive for “woman” in that sentence, the offensiveness becomes EVEN MORE apparent (just in case one’s internalized misogyny is toning it down)
Furthermore: Troy didn’t FALL because of a woman! (Classics Nerd alert) the WAR started because of a woman, but Troy FELL because Menalaus’ army Kicked Ass more than the Trojan army. Because, Hercules, Duh.
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Oh, GAH.
That’s all I got right now. Grrrrr.
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I thought Troy fell because of a giant hollow horse.
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Not that i’d want to be too geeky here, but that would be Achilles, not Heracles, and Odysseus was more important anyway (assuming it’s about Trojan War and not Heracles various adventures)
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Heracles did sack troy, but it was a totally separate incident from the Iliad’s Trojan War.
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“Why don’t more girls play video games? I don’t understand it!”
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What the fuck? That’s some bone-deep fucking “casual” misogyny there. “Hello, women. Not only are you objects, you are all little, shitty, inherently unimportant THINGS. Fuck you!” Gee, thanks for making that explicit, video game.
And also, because I must: Gah! Classical ignorance! Troy didn’t fall because of a woman, Troy fell because the Trojans REFUSED TO LISTEN to a woman, i.e., Cassandra. They also refused to listen to Laocoon and, as mentioned above, were on the wrong side of the gods and had a stupid prince, so they were pretty much doomed, but still. If you’re going to blame the whole war and the fall of the city on The Helen Incident, it was clearly Paris’s stupid fault for asking for her.
Going off to fume about ignorant misogynist fucknuts now…
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Unless by “woman” they mean “goddess of chaos with too much time on her hands and/or a really shallow princeling,” they are not only misogynist shitheads but also failing mythology forever.
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I’m going to blame it on Paris, and also say that way more ladies need to play video games. Who’s up for some Team Fortress 2?
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But! But! That’s not the right misogynistic message to get from that story! It was three goddesses who were in some stupid fight over Paris and all of them were promising him different things, and he picked the woman. But it was the three goddesses fighting that caused Troy to fall!
There’s totally a misogynistic message to be gleaned* from that part of mythology, and they’re getting the WRONG ONE.
Also, what Skinner said.
*The Greek gods are bad role models.
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