Unrelated personal life post

2009 August 25
by Harriet J

What is the awesomest thing in the world?

Discovering that your TV remote control sets off your smoke alarm.

It is the gift of awesome that just keeps giving.

9 Responses
  1. August 25, 2009

    I’m a bigger fan of realizing that your remote control sets off your vibrator.

    One you didn’t know could be set off by remote control.

    It really is a universal remote.

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  2. August 25, 2009


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  3. Meghan permalink
    August 25, 2009

    Yay for personal posts! But at least it’s not a remote that sets of instant FIRE. I definitely just thought of Sims 2. Remote Control. FIRE DANCE!

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  4. heather permalink
    August 26, 2009

    Every time you use it it sets off the smoke alarm?! That could get maddening real quick. But randomness would be harder to suss out…..

    And my mind just boggles at a remote controlled vibrator.

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  5. August 26, 2009

    No, just every time I use it and it’s pointed at the smoke detector, or pointed at something that reflects at the smoke detector. Which makes for wacky shenanigans and hijinks in a small apartment. Also lots of beeping. Our neighbors must think we are robots that are programmed to screech klaxons, crash into things, and acquire as much knowledge of humans as possible via osmosis with the Starz network.

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  6. Shweta permalink
    August 26, 2009

    Anytime I use my microwave it kicks people off our landline phone. Odd, right? This makes me laugh, appliances can be troublesome.

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  7. Viva permalink
    August 26, 2009

    Meghan, not a remote, but instant fire is an an unintended feature on this guy’s cell phone:


    Harriet, that remote sounds handy for clearing out party guests who stay way too long, no one would even suspect…

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  8. August 27, 2009

    One is tempted to ask… which kind of both appliance?

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  9. Bill permalink
    August 28, 2009

    My microwave used to interfere so much with my cordless phone that I couldn’t continue the call. That was when the phone’s base station was atop the microwave. Also, the phone was a 2.4 GHz type, which is very close to the radio band microwaves use. I replaced the phone with a 5.8 GHz model – no more problem.

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