2009 July 3
This post is getting some serious readership. I’m very glad that I was able to write something that resonates with so many people.
I’m very depressed that it was about rape.
6 Responses
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That post was the link that was posted on Shakesville’s blogaround. Whenever I post something from my husband’s blog, his readership always spikes, too.
So you COULD say it was just ONE person, and they drew the rest in?
Anyway, I have now read my way through your archives, and will be checking in here more regularly
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It definitely is depressing that one of your posts about rape was so commented on, but you can also look at it as it’s good that people are so willing to finally start talking about it. It’s a topic that has been swept under the rug time and time again, and it is incredibly positive that talking about it and reporting it isn’t as taboo and unheard of as it once was… It also helps that your blog is absolutely wonderful and intelligently written.
As a fellow survivor – thank you for being so willing to talk about it and willing to say what needs to be said.
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Depressing, yes, but I think you’ll find that some people stick around because you turned into an awesome writer.
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OMG. Hi, Hedge!
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Hi! (One of my LJ friends linked to that post. At first I thought, “hey, I know that chin,” and then the post solidified it.)
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Ha! Small world, big chin.
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