Day Off

2009 July 3
by Harriet Jay

This is my only day off in forever. Am I seriously going to spend it like this?

Just kidding. We all know the answer is YES

I totally met the Pork Chop Sandwiches kid in a Wendy’s during drag racing night. He sounded just like that. Me and the bear were sputtering into our pork chop sandwiches, FTW.

3 Responses
  1. Siobhan permalink
    July 8, 2009

    So for a while I was publishing the safety newsletter for a company that shall remain nameless. And one bit that I through in was “random safety tips.”

    And — I am not making this up — I got almost all of them from old GI Joe PSA’s. Best. Research. Ever.

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  2. Siobhan permalink
    August 6, 2009

    Harriet, you NEED this t-shirt (as do I).

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  3. August 6, 2009

    OMG, fucking sweet.

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