
If you’ve run into a technical problem with the blog, or have noticed something sketchy going on, and would like to call Harriet Jay’s attention, leave a comment here.

A Note on Comments:

This area of the website still allows comments. Comments must concern technical issues with the blog. Leaving a comment here because you couldn’t leave it on another post with closed comments is not relevant or on-topic. Your comment will be deleted. If you do this twice, you will be banned.

14 Responses
  1. sueshep permalink
    April 27, 2010

    The hotlink to White Readers Meet Black Authors has an error – it spells the website with a randomly added “d.”

    To anyone trying to get to the site, it is at

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  2. Harriet J permalink*
    April 27, 2010

    : Thanks, will update.

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  3. April 27, 2010

    The Stuff What Boys Can Do list only shows the comments, not the body of the post.

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  4. April 27, 2010

    I just posted a comment on

    and it shows up in the page labelled “older comments” (which has new comments posted since the blog move). The page with way more comments (the old comments from the old site) are on a page called “newer comments.”

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  5. Harriet J permalink*
    April 27, 2010

    : Huh. I didn’t realize each post wasn’t showing ALL comments, as I’d expected and wanted. Thanks for pointing this out — on it.

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  6. Harriet J permalink*
    April 27, 2010

    : Done and done! Thanks for reporting.

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  7. May 14, 2010

    “Another post about parental notification is mis-tagged “aborton” instead of “abortion.”

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  8. Harriet J permalink*
    May 14, 2010

    : UGH. Thanks.

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  9. May 19, 2010

    I hope I’m in the right place – I would like to quote this part

    “If you are unable to critically examine my statements and arguments because I use swears, that’s a problem with your ability to listen, not my ability to speak. If you can’t listen to an argument unless I smooth back your hair, whisper delicately in your ear, and assure you that really I am not very angry and here I will hold your hand and sing gently while I say such difficult things, you’re not actually looking to listen to anybody. ”

    of that entry

    in my blog (link above) and put a link to your page under it. Is this okay with you and should I call the author “Harriet J”?

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  10. Harriet J permalink*
    May 19, 2010

    : Yep! That’s fine.

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  11. Walter permalink
    June 30, 2010

    A small technical point: the image in the upper right corner is much larger than it appears on the page (996×1378 pixels), and it’s 1.7 megabytes in size. Because it’s the output of a PHP script, it never gets cached and it makes every page load very slowly in my browser. You’d be much better off putting in an tag that points to the URL of the picture, and scaling it down.

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  12. Harriet J permalink*
    June 30, 2010

    : Thanks. I’ll see what I can do.

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  13. Adrian K permalink
    November 12, 2010

    Can we not do a “Bobbit” on these wankers, include the school superintendent, Richard Bain in that list.

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  14. Michal Jozwiak permalink
    October 25, 2011

    Hey! Matter purely technical in relation to my brain. You were one of the many smart people who put me on the right (read: non-total asshole) track about a year ago, and thanks for that. You may not be sending any probes to explore Mars and stuff, but IMHO the it’s the stuff going on in out heads at home that’s really important. That grander shit will sort itself out in a hundred years or so.


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