
2010 December 31
by Harriet Jay

I wanted to signal boost this. Not just ’cause she’s talking about me, but I like the cut of her jib overall. Check her out.

wrongly labeled as curmudgeonly, unkind and arrogant by those who prefer to, in deep denial, swim peacefully with the tide not rage valiantly and vigilantly against it…
i am a…
42 year old, fiery WYSIWYG, Black conscious, caribbean (not at all the same thing as a Black amerikkkan), north amerikkkan raised, first born child of divorced parents, capricornian, anti- (capitalist/imperialist expansionist corporate) war, 9/11 truther, dark(er) skinned, matriarchal, polyamorous, class conscious, fat, tall, rogue scholar happily living in exile, eclectic/solitary practicing pagan ancestor/universe/ goddess worshiping, kinky (doesn’t mean i’ll be sexual with just anyone), queer’d (i lived a good portion of my life as a lesbian turned dyke before i decided queer as a way to indicate my radical sexuality-oriented political worked…that’s in flux…oh, wait…identity related dimensional shift in process…in my head i’ve been trying on “heterosexual” for size), cisgendered, femme, polymath, bottom (who can but doesn’t really prefer to switch), far-seer, verbal, confident, introvert who presents as extrovert, RADICAL lefty, feminist, anti-authoritarian, socialist, homebirther, full-time radical attachment oriented parent.

I mean, how can you not like that?

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