One More Recipe

2010 June 22
by Harriet Jay

Coconut Rice With Stuff In It

You make some coconut rice. I always fuck this up and have to look up how to do it again, so don’t ask me.

You chop up a cucumber.

You chop up a red onion.

You chop up a mango or two.

You mix it all together.

Pour some lime juice on it.

Maybe mix in some unsweetened coconut.

I’m thinking of adding ginger and almonds next time.

Good cold or warm.

WARNING: If you keep this in your fridge too long, something happens with all the juices, and you end up with a kind of mushy coconut soup that is really actually very unappetizing. DO NOT MAKE TOO MUCH OR THERE WILL BE SOUP

One Response
  1. Freya permalink
    June 22, 2010

    I make coconut rice in my rice cooker (acquisition when someone else moved overseas). And yes, I look up the recipe every time as well! :D

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