Blog Administration

2010 April 18
by Harriet Jay

Sometime this week (hopefully!), the blog is going to be down briefly as I make the final transfer of data from this blog to my new domain. I don’t want anybody mucking about adding new comments while I’m making the transfer, so it’s going to be down until it’s all set, however long that takes.

The new domain does not yet have all the features I want — like the discussion board — but it’s got enough to get started with, and until I get this off my plate, I don’t seem to be able to focus on making any posts. So, it’s just gonna happen, nice or no.

So, no worries! If you come here and it’s private, I will be back, with a link to the new domain.

One Response
  1. April 18, 2010

    Congrats on the new domain!

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