Everybody knows

2009 July 17
tags: gay panic, hate crimes, , murder
by Harriet J

Oh, he was threatening rape, was he? Well, there were two glasses of wine on the table, and it’s not like he wasn’t invited in, and really everybody knows that women lie about

oh, wait a second it wasn’t a woman, was it?

well, everybody knows that men lie about

wait no they never do that, men don’t ever lie about rape

well, i mean, really, everybody knows that gay people are terrifying and rapacious, what with their propensity for getting stabbed multiple times by innocent “straight” men holding the knives, all panicked by the molecules of queer in the air around them, turning them gay at this very moment.

Look, really, people, let’s stop being frightened by the existence of TEH UNCLOSETED GAYS and their potential TERRIBLE SEXUAL NEEDS when it’s the “straight” fellas that get murderous when sexually panicked. Your friendly neighborhood queer wants to have a glass of wine and make kissy-faces at you; your friendly neighborhood “straight” wants to stab you 61 times because sexual arousal enrages him. Who’s the crazy fuck here?

Oh right. The judge that let the murderer off.

3 Responses
  1. Karalyn permalink
    July 20, 2009

    “Gay rage” and “tranny rage” are pretty much the worst legal excuses that actually work in this day and age, right up there with “but she drank the GHB-laced soda! I can’t be held responsible”. I can’t wait until they finally get shot down.

    Also, I think you’ll find plenty of people who think men lie about rape – but only when it’s perpetrated by a female.

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  2. Kettchup permalink
    July 27, 2009

    : Of course men lie about rape by females. You *know* it’s impossible for a woman to rape a man, right? X_X

    Seriously. 61 times. Shit like this makes me want to just go to sleep and wake up when the world makes sense again.

    Oh wait, it never made sense in the first place.

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