Search terms of the day
2009 July 13
“bitchy wives set boundaries”
“fat women raped movies”
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“bitchy wives set boundaries”
“fat women raped movies”
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Copyright 2013 All writing property of Harriet Jay. May be reproduced with a citation.
I imagine the searchers were disappointed by what they found.
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One sad dude was searching for “should i ask my girlfriend if she was raped and how she is sad.” I’ve wondered if I should make a post just for him.
But then that got followed up with a different search term for “how to rape my teacher in the woods” and I just lost all the nerve I had stored up that day.
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Me, I’m wondering how you rape a movie, regardless of whether you’re fat or skinny or in between. But I’m not going to go looking for instructions!
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Like you, I used to post about my wacky search terms. Unfortunately, every time I posted those search terms I ended up being more attractive to searchers looking for those things.
True story, I am fast becoming the internet capital of “how many times can a man ejaculate in one day”. This topic has never been near and dear to my heart and I have never posted about it on my blog. I have no idea how many times, and I have no interest in knowing how many times. I just really didn’t want that. Oh well.
I’ve enjoyed – and been made appropriately uncomfortable at points by – reading your posts. Thank you!
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