Mr. Flint
2009 February 22
I found a long-winded but incredibly comprehensive description of my ex-husband. I was with him for seven or eight years, and I could not possibly describe him better.
This description ain’t half bad either.
God, being married sucked.
2 Responses
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You don’t know me but I’ve been reading your blog and sort of want to hold you shouder high & carry you around cheering, if that’s not too forward.
I thought you might be interested in some of the writing on this neurological blog if you hadn’t seen it already. The writer does a lot of posts on sociopathy/psychopathy which I have found helpful in understanding what was going on with my own abusive ex.
Anyways, more power to your elbow and thanks for the fantastic writing. You’re a real gem.
Best regards,
Mordant C.
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Hello! I wanted to drop a comment to you. I was directed to your blog by a reader on livejournal. I left an abusive husband four months ago – both my current and former therapists suspect he is a psychopath (and I have my suspicions, as well). This describes him perfectly. I’ve told both of them (I moved 1000 miles away from him, so also my former therapist – boohoo to the last one) that he “masturbated with my body”. That’s the only way I could describe it! He also seems SOOOO generous to people, who of course don’t understand his “generosity” left him unable to pay rent several times and almost had us evicted. UGH. Anyways. This really hit home. Thanks for posting the links.
On a more personal level for you – I’ve been reading your entries for two hours now. You are amazing. Thank you so much for speaking out like this. It’s really helping *me* examine my own situation. There have been so many things that I should have seen, but I was too close. Just tonight, I hit on one or two that made me go, “oh, my GOD.”
You are an inspiration. <3
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